We have been supporting OSCam since many years.
But we just had some serious problems with the hosting company.
Following those problems, and because OSCam did not get serious
improvements or updates, we decided to stop this server and cease
every other services (Upload Center, Forum, SVN & Git Mirrors).
We want to thank every user of this website for all your support
during all these years.
See you all soon ...
Već dugi niz godina podržavamo OSCam.
Ali imali smo neke ozbiljne probleme s hosting firmom.
Nakon tih problema, i zato što se OSCam nije ozbiljno shvaćen u vezi poboljšanja ili ažuriranja, odlučili smo zaustaviti ovu uslugu i prestati sve druge usluge (Upload Center, Forum, SVN & Git Mirrors).
Želimo se zahvaliti svakom korisniku ove web stranice za svu vašu podršku tokom svih ovih godina.
Vidimo se uskoro ...